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Love Where You Live



I know those people who hale from Alberta, Saskatchewan and some of the Northern and Eastern provinces will probably snort with derision when they read about our anomalous and very disruptive snowfall at the end of December, but hey? Vancouver Island is known for its mild climate, so the deluge of snow which brought Vancouver Island to a standstill was quite an adventure and novelty for its inhabitants. Until it didn’t stop. It is apparently the most snow we have had since the 1990’s… and rendered most housebound.

I usually always wish for snow. Coming from the scorching African continent and having only really seen snow on Christmas cards at that time of year, I pray for a white Christmas every year! People get quite annoyed with me … be careful what you wish for, they say! The week of snow and ice at the end of 2021 made me begin to see what they were talking about. Nanaimo came to a screeching halt. Roads that had even a slight gradient, were littered with cars, and sidewalks were hazardous and big box stores ran out of salt and shovels …I actually got stuck in the snow … and it can be quite scary! For the first time that I have seen, icicles hung from all the houses, some roads were impassable for days, garbage collection and mail delivery ceased and travel plans went awry.

But isn’t it beautiful when everything is glistening and white and virginal? The trees, normally stark and bare, are white silhouettes against a slate-grey sky. It muffles the sounds of civilization and renders us couch-bound with warm beverages and comfort food.

And even now in mid-January, huge piles of hard and dirty snow still linger… a reminder of that strange time. I think I have been there and done that, and will not wish for snow again.

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