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Snaw-naw-as campground is located between Nanaimo and Nanoose Bay overlooking the Salish Sea and Sunshine Coast, with The Snaw-naw-as Market, which includes a convenience store, Shell gas station, and Tim Horton’s located nearby. It continues its three-phase expansion plan with a new investment with Island Coastal Economic Trust.

The Nanoose Economic Development Corporation is expanding the Snaw-naw-as Campground and building year-round cabins through a new project investment with Island Coastal Economic Trust. 

This initiative will create 16 new campsites, 5 cabins, and the required parking and road infrastructure to support the expansion, and will help diversify existing business, extend the operating season, and attract new visitors. 

Installing cabins will transform the campground into a year-round destination. This initiative creatively responds to visitor demand for self-contained units, while maintaining a low-impact style that complements the nature-based surroundings at Snaw-naw-As Campground. The units will also draw higher revenue, per stay, than additional campsites

While the campground has been in operation since the 1980s, the Nanoose Economic Development Corporation took over management responsibilities in 2017 with a mandate to support indigenous tourism opportunities. They began redeveloping the site in 2022, installing 64 fully-services sites. The final phase, planned to follow this project, will complete the campground redevelopment. 

The current project has an anticipated completion of December 2024. Book your campground stays now and watch for the opportunity to be one of the first to experience the new year-round cabins on the Snaw-naw-as Campground website.

Island Coastal Economic Trust is investing with Nanoose Economic Development Corporation towards the Snaw-naw-as Campground expansion and cabins project through its Capital and Innovation Program. The Trust will contribute $200,000 towards a total new investment in the region of $1,600,000. The Trust is making this investment with its focus on Culture and Nature-based Tourism. “The addition of cabins allows us to share a beautiful oceanfront setting with spectacular views with guests year-round, adding a new dimension to an already amazing experience,” says Kim Burden, CEO, Nanoose Economic Development Corporation. Aaron Stone, Chair, Island Coastal Economic Trust says: “The Nanoose Economic Development Corporation has led a multi-phase project to transform the Snaw-Naw-As Campground into a year-round business, providing vital employment and generating revenue for the Nation. By partnering on this initiative, the Trust recognizes their commitment to growing cultural and nature-based tourism opportunities in Nanoose.”

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