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Love Where You Live



By Sharon Goldston – Easton

Doodle dogs gather monthly in Parksville to hike along a local trail. Humans are invited too – how else would the dogs get there? The pooches race to the gathering crowd, saying hello to furry friends and favourite humans – wagging tails, sniffing, jumping and running in circles.

All dogs run free. The humans shout to get out of puddles but no Doodle pays attention, they yell to keep away from the river, but the canines don’t listen to that either. They all play and run the trails – the pups, the full-grown dogs and the old timers too. But they don’t forget their people, often looking back at their two-legged family or running to the side of their human just to check in.

What a sight greets hikers as they walk around the corner! Six or so Doodles, all sizes and colours gamboling toward them. The hikers laughing greet this motley group of dogs and humans – they always stop to ask questions and rub behind the furry ear of a Doodle or two. Time stands still, no one is rushed.

Sometimes a Doodle takes a special liking to a new pooch she meets along the way, and off they’d go, but not for long – Doodles are too attached to their humans to be distracted by some handsome strange dog.

The end of the trail comes too soon. The Doodles sense it’s time to go. The pooches are tired but don’t give in – some jump into cars with their furry friends not wanting to say good-bye quite yet.
The Doodles are fast asleep the moment they hit the back seat. They made little barking sounds dreaming of the fun times, furry friends and favorite humans.

And the doodle humans – what about us? Not one person had checked a text or peeked at their cell phones since arriving at the trailhead. Nor do they now – they’re too busy chatting and laughing about the Doodle Dog mania they’ve all just enjoyed!

Dedicated to our girls: Hazel and Gracie and the Doodle Dog Gang of Vancouver Island!

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