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Love Where You Live



By Judy Stephan

We’re not allowed to travel right now, right? The enchanting beauty of cascading water has an impressive power and has always been an attraction to mankind… Shimmering and falling, breaking into a thousand shards of spray…  Did you know that this area of the island has a wealth of waterfalls just waiting for you to discover. Some are close and some are further afield. Some need a short, easy walk, others an arduous hike. There is a waterfall for everyone!

  • Benson Creek Fallsis a 3km round-trip trail near Lantzville that features a waterfall. The dog-friendly path is best known for hiking, walking, and nature trips.
  • Ammonite Falls Regional Trailis a popular 5km round-trip trail near Nanaimo with a waterfall. On a sunny day, the spray almost looks like glitter pouring over the edge. Getting to Ammonite Falls takes a bit of pre-planning.
  • Chase River Falls at Colliery Dam Park are beautiful and not far from the parking lot. They’re close to downtown Nanaimo so a great place to escape to nature. The walk along boardwalks and through colourful culvert is an adventure. A great little hike for all.
  • Bowen Park Falls are so close you can almost drive up to them. Park in the lower section of Bowen Park and stroll towards the river. Great photo ops in the Fall!
  • Beach Estates Park Trailis a 2km round-trip trail near Nanaimo that also has a waterfall and is excellent for all skill levels. The path is used for hiking, walking and trail running and best visited in Summer. Close to Brooks Landing you can access the trail head from the Church of the Nazarene parking lot.
  • Stocking Creek Fallsis in Stocking Creek Park, near Chemainus. You will find a wooden staircase and platform overlooking the falls.
  • Englishman River Falls are two stunning waterfalls cascading along the descending riverbed into a deep canyon along the pristine Englishman River north of Nanaimo, near Parksville.

All waterfalls are listed on tourismnanaimo.com and locations are available on the internet. Happy trailing!

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