A Axe-throwing adventures at Axe & Grind
B Buckets of balls at Nanaimo Golf Club
C Carousing the captivating Cowichan Valley wine farms
D Delve into drama at Chemainus Theatre
E Experience the exciting Elk Falls Provincial Park
F Fabulous getaways to Farm Table Inn
G Go to Gabriola Island with gusto
H Happen upon the hidden heart of Horne Lake Caves
I Ice skating and iced drinks
J Jump in the river, lake or ocean
K Keep your cool at the Kinsol Trestle
L Loll leisurely and lazily on Long Beach
M Many magnificent markets to manage
N Nibble on Nanaimo Bars on the Nanaimo Bar Trail
O Ogle optimistically for orcas at Ogden Point Breakwater
P Perceiving the Pacific’s pleasures with Prince of Whales
Q Quirky studio galleries in Qualicum
R Rancorous raptors at Duncan’s The Raptors
S Sensational spa services at The Beach Club’s Stonewater Spa
T Tantamount Tofino treasures, or Totem Trails in Duncan
U Undergo Ucluelet’s Amphitrite Point Lighthouse Loop
V Venerate our veterans at Vancouver Island Military Museum
W Walk on the wild side on the Wild Pacific Trail
X X marks the spot: geocaching in the Alberni Valley
Y Youth programs and camps
Z Zip in a Zodiac to see whales